This was how my mom lived her earthly life --- she kept moving --- she was never, not doing something for someone --- she carried with her the Grace of God --- with fierce determination to reach her eternal destination. Which she did --- on January 28, 2010 --- peacefully, in her sleep, God called her name. And she said "I'm gone!" She was 87 years young. A sweet, beautiful, spunky loving mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. And I will miss her like crazy, until we meet again in the heavenlies.
Since dad's heavenly journey almost 7 years ago, Kevin & I have tried to care for mom with as much grace & love as she so beautifully exemplified to us, doing whatever we could to reduce any stress. It was Pure Joy to watch her enjoy life! From moving her out of her home, into independent living at Rosegate, to crashing widow-hood card parties, and attending veteran dinners on her behalf to honor her naval service. To lunching together, shopping, and crafting the day away, giggling like two girlfriends.
Dealing with death's details isn't easy, but celebrating mom's earthly christian life was a piece of cake! She and dad gave me EVERY opportunity to witness a servant's life well-lived, and I will be forever grateful to be their child. If I can offer but a small piece of that to my kids and grandkids, I will be humbled.
Ladies, enjoy your beautiful daughters. Be good daughters to your moms, as I was to mine, and your daughters are to you. But most importantly, remember that we are all Daughters of the King!
God pours life into death and death into life without a drop being spilled.
Oh Kay, I am sitting here crying as I read about your mom...and being jealous of all the time you had with her and all the memories you have. My mom died when I was 10 years old. I always wanted to be a mom.. which I am, but I don't have the closeness that you and your mom shared, my heart breaks for you, as I know a little of the sadness you are feeling (my sister passed away 1 1/2 years old) and I miss her so much.. ) My prayers are with you my friend..
What a beautiful tribute from one special daughter to her lovely mother. I am sure she is looking down proudly at you!
I am sitting here crying as I read about your mom...and being jealous of all the time you had with her and all the memories you have.
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