My mind and things of late:
1. Kevin made a down payment on a new knee, which will be installed on August 24. He really needs two new knees, but Dr. VanMeter said "one at a time" will do. I do not know (nor does anyone else, including Dr. VanMeter) just how Kevin has been able to walk around, bend, sit, stand. High pain tolerance is a gift to some .... I just have tolerance, not necessarily for pain. So they laser-measured his knee and are making him a new super duper biomet tailor-made knee for the low low price of $19.95. Praise Dee Lord!
2. Other than a re-check on my cholesterol level in 90 days, my recent check up was good. Mammogram was good. I even got to spend time visiting with my ex-neighbor during the mammogram! Reta and Mike had the nerve to buy a new house - harrumph. A beautiful one at that. The hood attended their open house a few weekends ago, and we're negotiating a deal for all of us to move into their lower level (they wouldn't even know we're there)!
3. Big doings on my plate at work! Every year, for 12 years, I have planned the Indiana Energy Conference in conjunction with government, policy makers, regulatory heads, and academia. I'm well behind schedule this year. Anxiety has replaced cholesterol. Pray for me.
4. About this time last year, we were "Momma Mia" crazy! Loved that movie. It's a big dose of song and dance and pure fun. A mid-summer shot in the arm. We haven't seen the likes of that this summer ... I guess that's why we have O'Malley.
5. We recently attended the most beautiful wedding! Good friends, Tim & Debbie, married off their darlin' sweet daughter to a fine young army man. SO many wedding highlights not to mention getting to hang with the old church gang from 20 years ago ... but the best was this. Tim presented a musical gift to the bride as he gave her away ... he plays the piano beautifully. As father & bride sat together on the grand piano bench, he playing music softly, he spoke of their blessed family life together and reminisced how she grew up listening to him play. So he presented a special musical gift to the happy couple, and there was not a dry eye in the place! Amen to close families!
6. Speaking of crafts, my Summer Scripture Challenge has 3 weeks left and I've been a busy little bee claiming, memorizing, and faithbooking my chosen scriptures each week. Pictures here. And by the way, I WAS stung by a bee and lived to tell about it. NO pain tolerance, remember?
7. Did you know that Christmas is closer than New Year's Eve?
8. I believe Math Teacher Extraordinaire' is sleeping half the days away, and staying up half the nights. I think they call it "summer vacation" for a teacher, but I'm not exactly sure. I do know that he took a hamster to Disney World and the poor thing died of heat exhaustion. But I did raise an honest youngster, because he quickly fessed up to its owner who wasn't mad since someone just gave it to her anyways. A proper burial was held.
9. Brandt & Sara B. went down the Lazy River in Virginia, which took 3.7453829 hours. Ahhhhhh. I gotta do that someday! Kay Lazy = want. I digress. The point is, Brandt & Sara B. are enjoying the lazy hazy days of summer, to which I say hear hear. Brandt's mom is wondering if he has been reading the Max Lucado book she gave him, entitled Cure For the Common Life? Good for any age -- finding and living out God's purpose. His highly personalized plan for each and every one of us.
10. Gotta go eat oatmeal ... cholesterol food.
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