Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A Great Big "S" on my Forehead - SICKO

My sister-in-law, Connie, recently had a motherboard failure. Carol Brunette always said failure was written on her forehead - FAYLUR. I digress. Sorry about your motherboard, Connie. What a funny name - wonder why they don't call it a fatherboard or sisterboard or brotherboard. I think it should be a personal choice.

Anyway, I am currently taking my turn at being a sicko with coughy, sneezy, wheezy stuff. Got real drugs from the doc today, now fighting nausea from the antibiotics, can't win. But I did clean up my craft area so that counts for being off sick and getting something done. Am also reading a good book I would recommend - The Glass Castle. I recently finished a book called Three Cups of Tea. Both books are true stories, interesting, and must-reads! So -- I am blowing through my book today while home being coughy sneezy wheezy. Oh my heck, I kept my nose out of a kleenex for a minute or two, this is progress.

Here's to a better tomorrow!

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