1. Kevin always remembers Valentine's Day and he makes it special for us. My favorite part is the card because I read between the lines and feel like the luckiest girl in the universe. And I am! Diamonds and flowers and movies .... it's all good. But the card. The card is the heart of it.
2. He is a father who shows love to his children in so many ways. He thinks beyond "I love you" and he is always there for his family - no matter what the circumstances.
3. Kevin always wakes up happy. Enough said.
4. He makes me laugh ... sometimes out of control funny! He is friendly and talkative in public. Did I mention talkative?
5. He fixes things. It's like waving a magic wand.
6. He loves to see me happy and hummy. (as in humming tunes from my IPod). When I'm excited, he wants to hear about it. He encourages me to go and do and have fun.
7. He is amazingly mannerly and polite, a real gentleman. He opens doors for strangers, carries things (even my purse!), helps the elderly across the road, and has a way with kids and babies. He says hello to everyone.
8. He goes the extra mile. Kevin works hard. Not only for his family, but for friends and neighbors. He is everyone's hero when it comes to clearing snowy driveways, or running to the grocery, or helping someone with a project.
9. He loves my mother to no end, and he is really her son. He is a very caring brother and caregiver to his sister, Jane, who has Alzheimers and lives near us. He does everything on both of their "honey do" lists, and makes it fun.
10. He enjoys playing games - cards, board games, word games. Time spent together is time well spent.
11. Our lives are fast - but he always takes the time to say hello and goodbye with a kiss.
12. I love that he is sentimental. Memories really mean something to him. Making them are a priority.
13. He even loves ... well, at least likes, the cat.
14. I like being known as Mrs. Squires. My Valentine is a keeper!
Hi, Kay!
This is your best post! I know I say that about every one of them, but really it is so beautiful to see a woman in love with her man. Kevin is pretty fortunate, too, to have such a lovely wife. Happy day to both of you!
I love your blog!! What a great read!!
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