Saturday, January 17, 2009

Revolutionary Road

Kevin & I met the "hood" at the movies tonight. Revolutionary Road is not a film for everyone, but it achieves what not many films do these days. It is a learning lesson.

Marriage is not always an easy thing, especially if you spend all your time dreaming of a life of adventure. So, let's imagine for a minute what it would be like for a liberal married couple living in the conformist world of the 1950s! Frank & April Wheeler, a young Connecticut couple, saw themselves as special and vowed never to conform to a world of picket fences and manicured lawns. As time passes, however, they become the very thing they feared most -- a typical suburban family complete with abandoned dreams. Their marriage turns into a cycle of jealousy and bickering while they both strive to maintain their independence. The film itself is so beautiful, yet at the same time so dark. I must say that Titanic shipmates Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet give the performance of a lifetime!

Now I wonder ... how many of us have ever identified with feeling "trapped" in your life? And what can be done, or not done, to remedy that? Do couples rescue themselves or is the trap bigger than they are? Well, I have one word for that: commitment. God will bless you. Enough said.


Joke: How do you make God laugh? Tell him your plans.

Cold vs. Colder: Below 0 temps lately. I'm not bothered. Why else would God have created sweaters and scarves and a good pair of kickers?

Work: We are speeding through trial, and witnesses are playing nice so far. I love my new high heels. How did I ever do trials without a computer before?

Scrapstuff: Stamp Club is coming soon and so are the new catalogs! I can hardly sleep thinking about it!

Inauguration: Puleeese smile with your teeth, Michelle! And do not wear red/black. And I just want to say in all sincerity, thank you Mr. Bush.

Hair: My magician beautician almost found my natural hair color this morning. Welcome back brunette! No more blond jokes kids!

Hissy Fit: None so far in 2009.

Marriage: I love my husband, and he loves me very much. I am grateful for commitment, and I love my suburban picket fence manicured yard {minus the fence and the shrubs and the flower garden in real life}. But you get the jist of it, yes?

1 comment:

Saleslady371 said...

This movie, indeed, would be the perfect one to see with the Hood. Sounds intruiging. I'm glad the trial is going well and your comfortable with the electronics. I saw some pics on your slideshow that were new to me. You are one pretty lady, inside and out!

I've been weepy. Robin deployed yesterday for the mideast. I read Carrie's post, D Day, and cried. I thought I was better this morning, but the praise and worship in church brought on the tears!

You always make me laugh, tho!
