Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tinkerbell Says CHEESE!

Check out them Tinkerbell Boots! Who needs pants when you've got such a cool pair of kickers?! Rosalie says, "Oh my heck, I've wanted a pair of these all my life, and it makes my set of wheels go faster too." Well, Aunt Kay & Uncle Kevin are happy to see you enjoying them! A word to the wise: stay off the road. Rosalie's driver's license isn't valid, but the cops haven't figured it out yet. But Aunt Kay is not too worried, because if Rosalie gets pulled over she can just flash 'em with this cheesy smile and who could resist?! Not even a cop.

You can't depend on your eyes if your imagination is out of focus.

1 comment:

Saleslady371 said...

I love it when you post pics of Rosalie. She's adorable.